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rArB rCrD rErF rGrH rIrJ rKrL rMrN rOrP rQrR rSrT rUrV rWrX rYrZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
SHALIMAR restaurant +circle 32
SHALIMAR restaurant caterer 29
SHALIMAR the restaurant 30
SHIKARA restaurant +boat 29
restaurant 43
SHIV SAGAR restaurant 43
SHIV SAGAR veg. restaurant 43
SHIVALA veg. restaurant 29, 32
SHIVNANDAN restaurant +tree 43
SHREE SAGAR veg restaurant 43
SHREEMAYA restaurant +circl 43
SIGDI restaurant +squares 43
SM SKY MUNCCH restaurant 43
SRI KRISHNA veg restaurant 29
SRI KRISHNA veg. restaurant 30, 32
SRINIVASA veg-restaurant 43
SUN N STAR restaurant 42
SURUCHI restaurant +squares 43
SWAAD restaurant +chef 42
SWEET HEART restaurant 30
TAHOORA restaurant 42
TAJ restaurant 29
TANGERINE restaurant 29, 30, 42
restaurant 43
THE KHYBER restaurant 30
THE SPREAD restaurant 43
TICKET restaurant 16
TICKET restaurant +circle 16
TIME & AGAIN the restaurant 43
V VAISHALI restaurant 42
VAIBHAV veg. restaurant 43
VATIKA restaurant & BANQUET 16
VEGGIE ART restaurant +oval 43
VINNY'S restaurant 43
WOODLANDS restaurant +tree 30
WOODLANDS the restaurant 16, 29
ZAHOORA restaurant 42
ZAHRAA restaurant +oval 43
ZAM ZAM restaurant +chef 43
beijing chinese restaurant 42
cafe RITZ bar & restaurant 30
china gate restaurant 42
eat n JOY restaurant 42
garden COURT restaurant 33, 35
havmor restaurant 30
hotel MALVAN bar restaurant 16
le restaurant de france 30
punjabi MIRCHI restaurant 42
AMA hotels & restaurants 43
DOUBLE AA restaurants 43
KOMALA'S restaurants +oval 16
RELIANCE restaurants 42
ZZ ZAM ZAM restaurants 43
ARDOR resto bar +star glass 33
CHAKRA resto bar +arcs 43
GILLY'S resto-bar +square 43
KHANA SUTRA resto-bar +flam 42
MUMBAIKAR'S resto-bar loung 29, 32
RULLET resto bar 42
TWM THREE WISE MEN resto ba 41
DR. A'S hair restoration 44
ZINEA cafe & restro bar 43
d'NOSH pub restro bar 42
KURLON restwell 20
NAGARJUNA result 5
DRAMATIC results 3
FINDER pure results +drop 7
RMZ CORP leading results 16, 19
RIGHT resume 16
SUNPOLICRETE ngt (ret) 19
retail ACT 16
retail CONNECTIONS +arrows 35
retail IN A BOX 42
retail LEAD 16, 41
retail LINK 9, 42
retail art +bags 41
retail excel 9, 16
retail excel +circles 16
retail excel power +dots 9
AL AMET & LADOUE retail 35
BOMBAY retail 26
DEWSOFT'S MY retail 35
DEWSOFT'S my retail 38
DMC institute of retail +ba 41
DRS retail +circle & arcs 35
E WINGS retail 9
EXPRESS retail 35, 42
FRL FATAK retail +square 35
FUTURE SPACE retail tomorro 35, 36
HIMALAYA retail news 16
HOTSPOTS retail 35
HR INDIAN institute retail 16
IRDS indian retail +fan 35
KSHITIJ retail destinations 35, 36
MOLECULES retail +square 16
PATRONS retail customer car 41
PLANET retail 9, 16, 35, 41, 42
RELIABLE retail 18, 35
RELIANCE retail 42
RELIANCE retail AAPKI KHUSH 5, 12, 13, 20, 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 40, 41, 44, 45
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